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Pediatric Dentistry IN BEVERLY HILLS, CA

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Small Mouths, Big Smiles

Taking your child to the doctor for their yearly check-up or when they're sick is part of the standard checklist for most parents. In contrast, dental care, especially when your child seemingly has no dental problems, isn't always as clear-cut. However, prevention and reinforcing good habits are extremely important for long-term dental health, and regular Pediatric Dentistry can help start them on the right path to oral health.

Pediatric Dentistry at Rifkin Raanan

At Rifkin Raanan, we are dedicated to serving patients from all walks of life with care and professionalism. Our Beverly HillsPediatric Dentistry, with our skilled and experienced dentists, can help ensure good hygiene for your child and prevent any areas of concern from becoming serious.

What is Pediatric Dentistry?

Pediatric Dentistry provides a variety of options for dental care for children from birth to adolescence. This branch of dentistry typically focuses on proper hygiene, encouraging good dental habits, and preventative care.

Infant Oral Health Exams

Infants should see a dentist once they get their first tooth or by their first birthday, whichever comes first. An infant exam is a low-pressure experience where the child stays in the lap of a caregiver, and a brief exam is performed.

Preventive Dental Care

Prevention is key in Pediatric Dentistry since many serious dental problems can be avoided when issues are caught early.

Habit Counseling

Brushing, flossing, and choosing healthy snacks are all habits that can be encouraged to improve and sustain your child's dental health.

Orthodontic Assessment

If a misaligned bite or crooked teeth are a concern, your child may need to be evaluated for orthodontic treatments like braces.

Tooth and Cavity Repair

Cavities happen — if they do it's important to get them fixed as soon as possible. Repairing cavities as gently and compassionately as possible is always our goal.

Periodontal Assessment

While gum issues are more rare in children, monitoring gum health is crucial to long-term dental health.

Dental Injury Care

Mouth injuries are part of childhood. If a tooth is damaged, chipped, becomes loose, or comes out, we can assess the situation and determine the best way to address the problem.

rifkin raanan operating chair

Pediatric Dentistry Benefits

Pediatric Dentistry plays a crucial role in ensuring children maintain optimal oral health from a young age. Through gentle and compassionate care, our dentists create a positive experience for children, encouraging a sense of trust and comfort in dental settings. Other benefits include:

  • Healthy teeth and gums
  • Prevention of tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease
  • Early detection of dental issues
  • Proper tooth development
  • Prevention of dental fear or phobias
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Pediatric Dentistry Candidates

Most babies start teething around three to seven months, but there is a wide range when it comes to tooth development. Some children may not have any teeth when they turn one, while it is also possible, but rare, for a baby to be born with teeth. In any case, oral health should be part of your child's overall health care, ideally once those first buds start to poke through the gums. If your child is older and has never been to the dentist, whether there are obvious concerns or not, scheduling an appointment and bringing them to a compassionate and experienced dentist is key for their long-term oral health. During your child's appointment for Pediatric Dentistry Beverly Hills dentists at Rifkin Raanan treat them with compassion and care. Schedule an appointment today!

Results, Recovery, and Aftercare

No matter what treatment your child needs, we do our best to ensure a calm, gentle experience with as little discomfort as possible. If your child needs significant dental work done, we will communicate with you in detail about the entire process, including exactly how to care for the treated area afterward.

Academy of Osseointegration Academy of Microscope Enhanced Dentistry Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity American College of Prosthodontists American Dental Association University of Southern California School of Dentistry California Dental Association Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Academy of Osseointegration Academy of Microscope Enhanced Dentistry Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity American College of Prosthodontists American Dental Association University of Southern California School of Dentistry California Dental Association Harvard School of Dental Medicine Academy of Osseointegration Academy of Microscope Enhanced Dentistry Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity American College of Prosthodontists American Dental Association University of Southern California School of Dentistry California Dental Association Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Why choose Rifkin Raanan?

Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentists standing at their doorway

Why choose Rifkin Raanan?

Our dynamic team of dentists, including Dr. Robert Rifkin, Dr. Rodney Raanan, and Dr. Steven Rifkin, are highly educated, qualified, and possess combined decades of experience. But it's their dedication to their patients and their true passion for the art of dentistry that sets them apart. The goal for the entire team at Rifkin Raanan is to ensure that each patient receives the most compassionate, skillful, balanced care possible, whether they're a celebrity or a child at their first dentist visit.

Learn More About Pediatric Dentistry in Beverly Hills, CA, at Rifkin Raanan Today

Contact our knowledgeable staff today by calling (310) 205-5300, chatting with us online, or filling out our simple consultation form.

Pediatric Dentistry Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, even if your child still has their baby teeth, hygiene is very important, and issues could come up that need to be addressed.

Pediatric Dentistry is very safe and we do our best to ensure each patient, especially pediatric, is treated with the utmost care.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends taking your child to a pediatric dentist for check-ups every six months.

While any certified dentist can treat children, finding the right dentist who has experience with pediatric patients can be key to a positive experience.

The cost of Pediatric Dentistry depends on the specific needs of each patient.

Rifkin Raanan Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentistry

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