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Can Carbonated Drinks Benefit Your Dental Health Rifkin Raanan Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentistry

Rifkin Raanan Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentistry

Carbonated drinks, which you may call soda or pop can cause serious oral health issues. The best cosmetic dentist in Beverly Hills, Dr. Rodney Raanan said he has seen many patients with erosion of the tooth's protective layer called enamel. These drinks also contain acid which erodes enamel and when it is eroded, it does not grow back. This leaves teeth exposed and is a major source of tooth decay. In population sampling, teenagers drink as much as 30 gallons of soft drinks per year and a typical American consumes up to 45 gallons per year

Rifkin Raanan Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentistry

There are more than 11 teaspoons of sugar in a 12 oz can of soda. This amount of sugar makes your teeth vulnerable to dental decay and erosion if consumed on a daily basis. Dr. Rodney Raanan advises people who drink soda, that it contains acid, and drinking it over a long period of time is like bathing your teeth in acid.


Dr. Rodney Raanan suggests you avoid drinking soda at all. If that isn't possible, here are some tips to lessen the risk of tooth decay:

Prevention is better than the cure. To cure tooth sensitivity caused by soda eroded enamel you could end up with a mouth full of crowns. That is harsh on the pockets, especially when there is an inexpensive alternative. That is limiting or potentially not drinking soda at all. By practicing good oral hygiene and with our help, you can counteract their effect and enjoy better oral health.

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